“Too Asian?”

Racism, Privilege, and Post-Secondary Education

Table of contents

Introduction Jeet Heer

Section One: Myths of Meritocracy

Chapter 1: The Parable of the Textbook: Education, Meritocracy, and Why History Matters Henry Yu

Chapter 2: Asians and Affirmative Action on Campus: An Historical Canada-US Comparison Dave Weinfeld

Chapter 3: Pink Panics, Yellow Perils, and the Mythology of Meritocracy Sarah Ghabrial

Section Two: Colonial and Imperialist Legacies

Chapter 4: Graduating Photos: Race, Colonization, and the University of Manitoba Adele Perry

Chapter 5: Condemned to Repeat? Settler Colonialism, Racism, and Canadian History Textbooks Mary Jane Logan McCallum

Section Three: Race in the Classroom

Chapter 6:Ruling through Discourse: The Experience of Chinese-Canadian Youth Dan Cui and Jennifer Kelly

Chapter 7: “Way Too Asian!” The Classroom as a Site of Protest, Personal Growth, and Teachable Moments Ray Hsu and Julia Paek

Chapter 8: Studying Identity, Complicating Ourselves: Engaging with Privilege and Place in Higher Education Victoria Kannen

Chapter 9: Too Asian or Too Privileged? A Response to Maclean’s Magazine’s “Too Asian” Article Anita Jack-Davies

Chapter 10: Telling Multiple Stories of “Race” in Canadian Higher Education Soma Chatterjee, Mandeep Mucini, and Louise Tam

Chapter 11: Teaching White: Constructing Lawyer Identity in Canadian Law Schools Diana Younes


The now notorious Maclean?s article ?'Too Asian?'? from the magazine?s 2010 campus issue has sparked a national furor about race in Canadian higher education. Since the founding of the federal policy of multiculturalism, Canadians have prided themselves on their ability to integrate diversity into a broader multicultural environment, but the often heated discussions about race point to fissures in this national project. This collection uses the controversy about the Maclean?s article as a flashpoint to interrogate issues about race and representation on Canadian campuses and what it means for students and learning across the country.


‘Too Asian?’: Racism, Privilege, and Post-Secondary Education’ boldly advances the dialogue around the ways race functions in Canada; and, as it should, it regards this conversation as a prerequisite for building a more just and civilized society.

- Cara Ng

‘Too Asian?’ is an important commentary on the ways that power and ideology are inextricably bound to the politics of race and identity within and beyond Canadian institutes of post-secondary education. This collection highlights some of the challenges that we must continually work to overcome, and applauds the collective work that has already begun.

- Jenny Heijun Wills

For courses that deal with multiculturalism, race and ethnic relations, equity studies or any of the applied sociology courses that involve immigration, assimilation, prejudice and discrimination, this collage meets and exceeds expectations.

- Howard A. Doughty

An intelligent, scholarly, and sanity-restoring response to Maclean’s Magazine’s ‘Too Asian?’one of the shabbiest and laziest pieces in the history of Canadian magazine journalism.

- Heather Mallick, staff columnist