Comparative Federalism

A Systematic Inquiry

By (author) Thomas Hueglin & Alan Fenna
Categories: Political Science
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Paperback : 9781551114101, 390 pages, December 2005

Table of contents


1. The Relevance of Federalism in a Changing World


The Case for Federalism
Emerging Federalism in the European Union
Federalism and Globalization
Old Nation-states and New Federalism
Federalism and Multinational Conflict Management
The Federal Experience

2. Federal Principles, Federal Organization


What is Federalism?
Group Identity
Divided Powers
Constitutional Guarantees
Negotiating Compromise
Social Solidarity

3.  Federal Systems


Analytic Criteria
Models and Variations
Contextual Variables

4. Three Traditions of Federal Thought


Consociational Federalism in Early Modern Europe
Republican Federalism in the Eighteenth Century
Socio-economic Federalism in the Nineteenth Century and Beyond

5. The Formation of Federal States


The Federal Compromise: Explanatory Perspectives
Emergence of the Basic Models
Imitations and Variations
Devolutionary Federalism

6. Dividing Powers


The American Experiment
Canada: Centralist Intentions
Germany: The Administrative Model
Imitations and Variations

7. Federalism as a System of Dual Representation


Design Options
The American Senate Model
Canada: A Case of Pseudo-Bicameralism
Germany: The Federal Solution
The European Union: A Case of Second Chamber Governance
Imitations and Variations

8. Intergovernmental Relations


Patterns of Cooperation
"Federal-Provincial Diplomacy" in Canada
Intergovernmentalism and Council Governance in Australia
"Cooperative" Federalism in the United States
A Different Approach: Integrated Federalism

9. Constitutional Amendment


Amendment Procedures
Constitutional Permanence in the United States
Canada: Patriation Games
Constitutional Flexibility in Germany
The EU: Maintaining Confederal Consent
Variations: Back to the People
Quebec and Canada: Secession as Constitutional Amendment

10. Judicial Review


The Courts and the Constitution
The United States: Invention and Limits of Judicial Review
Canada: Imperial Versus Home-Grown Judicial Review
Germany: Pragmatic Legalism
The EU: Judicial Creation of Supranationality
Variations and Exceptions

11. Federal Governance


How Should Federations Manage Policy Responsibilities?
The Power to Tax
The Power to Spend
Sharing the Wealth
How Do Federations Manage Policy Responsibilities?



Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry is a uniquely comprehensive, analytic, genuinely comparative, and detailed introduction to the study of federalism in theory and practice. Thomas Hueglin and Alan Fenna draw from their diverse research on federal systems to argue that federalism is increasingly important for democratic governance and conflict management in a globalizing world. They discuss the meaning of federal principles and institutional compromise in the organization of federal systems and then introduce four main model federal systems: America, Canada, Germany, and the European Union. But they don’t stop there—they also offer an exploration of federal systems that vary from the four main models, including Switzerland, Australia, Belgium, South Africa, and Spain.
The book also compares federal systems through an examination of the differing European and North American traditions in the history of federal thought. Institutional features of federal systems are evaluated, as are the crucial role that constitutional amendment and judicial review play for the stability and evolutionary dynamic of federal systems. This book serves the dual role of helping the reader understand federalism and providing a comparative framework from which to assess the record of federal systems.