
First title in the series Stories Behind the Art, giving simple, clear descriptions of Giotto’s 28 frescoes in the Upper Church of the St. Francis Basilica in Assisi.

Supplemented by brief excerpts from G. K. Chesterton’s classic Saint Francis of Assisi and colour illustrations of the 28 frescoes by Giotto adorning the walls of the Upper Church, Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy, this volume attempts to cover the salient points, with brief commentaries, in the remarkable life of one of the greatest human beings who walked the earth.

The book also contains a postscript entitled From Villas Miserias to the Vatican: the Footsteps of Pope Francis” to commemorate the September 2015 visit to North America by Pope Francis. A humble tribute to Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina, who chose the name “Francis” upon assuming the Papacy.