
Self-Reg for a Just Society

Table of contents


1 The Science of Self-Reg
2 Reframing Human Nature
3 Reframing Development
4 The Age of Reason(s)
5 Blue Brain versus Red Brain
6 Reframing IQ
7 The Joy and Pain of Maths
8 No Child Left Behind
9 Becoming Free: The Teen Years
10 Reframing Virtue
11 Creating a Just Society



For Stuart Shanker, the possibility of a truly just and free society begins with how we see and nurture our children. In his new book, Reframed, Shanker unpacks the unique science and conceptual practices that are the very lifeblood of Self-Reg, making it an accessible read for new Self-Reggers. The paradigm revolution presented in Reframed not only helps us understand the harrowing time we are living through, but inspires a profound sense of hope for the future.