Post-Confederation (1867-)

Showing 1-10 of 159 titles.
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North of America

In 1941, influential US publishing magnate Henry Luce declared the world was in the midst of the first great American century, believing his nation held the power and vision to lead and transform the ...

The Riel Problem

By (author) Albert Braz
Categories: History of the Americas

Tracing Louis Riel’s metamorphosis from traitor to Canadian hero, Braz argues that, through his writing, Riel resists his portrayal as both a Canadian patriot and a pan-Indigenous leader. After being ...

Tours Inside the Snow Globe

By (author) Tonya K. Davidson
Categories: History of the Americas

The toppling of monuments globally in the last few years has highlighted the potency of monuments as dynamic and affectively loaded participants in society.
In the context of Ottawa, Canada’s capital ...

School of Racism

Exposing the history of racism in Canada’s classrooms

Winner of the prestigious Clio-Quebec, Lionel-Groulx, and Canadian History of Education Association awards

In School of Racism, Catherine Larochelle ...

Laughing Back at Empire

Asian Canadian activism, resistance, and art of the 1970s and 80s

Laughing Back at Empire is a ground-breaking examination of The Asianadian, one of Canada’s first anti-racist, anti- sexist, and ...

Who Gets In

An eye-opening account of the Jewish immigration experience in the 1930s, and one man’s battle against anti-Semitic immigration policies.
In 1930, a young Jewish man, Yehuda Yosef Eisenstein, arrived ...

Performing Postracialism

By (author) Philip S.S. Howard
Categories: Education

Blackface – instances in which non-Black persons temporarily darken their skin with make-up to impersonate Black people, usually for fun, and frequently in educational contexts – constitutes a postracialist ...

Before Official Multiculturalism

For almost two decades before Canada officially adopted multiculturalism in 1971, a large network of women and their allies in Toronto were promoting pluralism as a city- and nation-building project. ...

1950s Canada

By (author) Nelson Wiseman
Categories: History of the Americas

While the 1950s in Canada were years of social conformity, it was also a time of political, economic, and technological change. Against a background of growing prosperity, federal and provincial politics ...

Sex and the Married Girl

Sex – who was having it, who shouldn’t have it, and who was supposed to be having it but wasn’t – was a major concern to social authorities in the immediate postwar era. Though they are often ...