
Showing 1-4 of 4 titles.
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Remembering Our Relations

Wood Buffalo National Park is located in the heart of Dénesųłuné homelands, where Dené people have lived from time immemorial. Central to the creation, expansion, and management of this park, Canada ...

An Exceptional Law

An Exceptional Law showcases how the emergency law used to repress labour activism during the First World War became normalized with the creation of Section 98 of the Criminal Code, following the Winnipeg ...

The Sinking of The Titanic

Few human events have stirred the imagination, inspired myths and movies and had such a hold upon the weste world as the sinking of the unsinkable ship, the RMS Titanic. In his convincing analysis of ...

Academic Freedom in Canada

By (author) Michiel Horn
Categories: General and world history

Although currently under attack from several directions, academic freedom is as important as it has ever been in enabling academics to teach, to carry out research, and to offer disinterested criticism ...