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Stan Brakhage in Rolling Stock, 1980-1990

This work is both a heavily annotated collection of the reports Stan Brakhage did on the Telluride Film Festival for the magazine Rolling Stock and an analysis of his work that attempts to place his singular ...

Crash to Paywall

In 2014, when Postmedia acquired Quebecor’s Sun Media newspaper and online assets, there was a sense that the recent history of newspapers was repeating itself not as comedy or tragedy, but as eulogy. ...

Lily Lewis

Canadian writer and journalist Lily Lewis is not a household name. In fact, she never was. The work Lewis is best known for - "Montreal Letter," a popular column which appeared in the Toronto newspaper ...

Last Word

Media coverage of the Supreme Court of Canada has emerged as a crucial factor not only for judges and journalists but also for the public. It’s the media, after all, that decide which court rulings ...

Hidden Agendas

In our news-hungry society, where CNN is considered a staple of primetime viewing, journalists have become celebrities and often, political proxies. To a large degree, our world is shaped by their commentaries ...