Arise The Dead II

World War Two

La description

This story—part memoir, part historical fiction—spans a period of one hundred years, from 1914 to 2014, with the main emphasis being on the years of the two World Wars. It concentrates on the lives of real people—the author’s parents, the author, a young pilot from New Jersey in WWI, and others—as well as some fictional characters, who all lived through one or both of the wars and were profoundly affected personally by them. Arise The Dead II focuses on World War II where the author’s family home was bombed in late 1940 during the “blitz” on London.


When as a child I looked at war memorialsd that dotted the English countryside, the villages, the towns, dedicated to "our glorious dead," I used to think: "They are not glorious, they are just dead. " Some bore my family name. They would have wanted a peraceful life, to father children and watch them grow. I am the child of one who got away. This story reminds the reader not to remain silent in the face of injustice or any other happening that causes outrage; in a free society you have the right to express yourself, not to be censored. Be aware of how you can be silenced. --The Author