Arts (aspects généraux)

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Out of the Sun

History is a construction. What happens when we begin to consider stories at the margins when we grant them centrality? How does that complicate our certainties about who we are, as individuals, as nations, ...

Sculpture in Canada

Par (auteur) Maria Tippett
Catégories: Sculpture

Found in public spaces and parks, art galleries and university buildings, along riverbanks as well as in city squares, private gardens and even underwater, Canadian sculpture encompasses a range of materials ...

The Practice of Her Profession

Susan Butlin holds a doctorate from Carleton University where she has taught art history.

Un monde en soi

Par (auteur) Christy Vodden & Ian G. Dyck
Catégories: Théorie de l’art

?partir des annes 1850, et travers des dizaines d?nnes marques par des guerres et une crise conomique mondiale, le manque d?rgent et de personnel et la difficult d?btenir un toit permanent, le muse national ...