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Brick Books

As one of the few poetry-only publishers in the world and a long-venerated member of Canada’s publishing industry, Brick Books is a hub and a home for poets and lovers of poetry. Our guiding goal is to listen to and amplify urgent voices in poetry, and to do so with kindness and rigour. We aim to stand for and lavish attention upon unquantifiable things, and to make way for perspectives that have been marginalized; we believe in poetry as a space to speak publicly what can’t be said or heard elsewhere. Our mission is to hold space for poetry in Canada and the world (or, in other words, to champion a hard-to-commodify art form in a capitalist culture!) and to do it with an almost obsessive level of care. We commit to each book by pouring all of our resources into it because poetry is our thing — not a side project to other genres, so we do the very best we can by it.



Brenda Leifso