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University of Calgary Press

The University of Calgary Press publishes works that embody the spirit of curiosity inherent in scholarly inquiry. We invest in ideas that transform the way we thank about—and shape—our world. We publish peer-reviewed, academic non-fiction in all areas of the humanities and social sciences. 

Brave & Brilliant, our literary series, publishes Canadian literature including fiction, poetry, plays, and other creative forms. 

LCR Publishing, an imprint of the University of Calgary Press, publishes meaningful scholarly and technical works that fall outside the strict format of the academic monograph. 

Bighorn Books, our trade non-fiction imprint, presents spellbinding tales from the hidden corners of history, the unexpected challenges and surprising results of research and innovation, unique careers, incredible experiences, and much more. Based in research and written for everyone, Bighorn Books illuminate and inspire. 







Brian Scrivener