Table des matières

Chapter 1: The International Response to the Need for Proceeds-of-Crime Legislation
Chapter 2: Canada's Proceeds-of-Crime Legislation
Chapter 3: Ancillary Canadian Proceeds of Crime Legislation
Chapter 4: Canada's Financial System: International Context
Chapter 5: Canadian Financial Record-Keeping and Reporting
Chapter 6: Offences
Chapter 7: Special Problems Posed by Forfeiture Legislation
Chapter 8: Investigative Methods and Procedures
Chapter 9: Civil Forfeiture
Chapter 10: Anti-terrorism Legislation
Chapter 11: Proceeds-Related Forms & How to Fill Them Out

La description

A concise and practical guide to domestic laws dealing with proceeds of crime and money laundering. It includes discussion of the recent amendments to the Criminal Code and new anti-terrorism legislation. This timely text places the Canadian experience in the broader international context.