Green City

People, Nature and Urban Life

Par (auteur) Mary Soderstrom
Catégories: Architecture et design en urbanisme, Paysagisme, Architecture, Arts
Éditeur: Véhicule Press
Paperback : 9781550652079, 240 pages, Octobre 2006

La description

Green City: People, Nature, and Urban Places looks at eleven cities the world over to see how people and nature have interacted over the course of history, and how people attempt to bring nature into cities. In each of these locations, Soderstrom examines how people have tried to make a connection with nature—how well they’ve done is both a lesson in hope and, often, a warning. Featuring chapters on Babylon, Provins (France), London and Bloomsbury, Hamilton, Chicago, Irvine, Singapore, Tanga (Tanzania), Kochi (India), Shanghai, and São Paulo, as well as recommendations on what must be done so that everyone has a bit of green to call their own. Also includes photographs and extensive notes.