When Words Sing

Seven Canadian Libretti

Édité par Julie Salverson
Catégories: Théâtre, Biographies et études littéraires
Éditeur: Playwrights Canada Press
Paperback : 9780369101242, 440 pages, Mai 2021

La description

Meet the creators behind the words of Canadian opera in this exciting new collection of contemporary libretti. Featuring work by Robert Chafe, Anna Chatterton, George Elliott Clarke, Marie Clements, Ann-Marie MacDonald, Julie Salverson, and Royce Vavrek, When Words Sing turns the spotlight on everything that goes into writing libretti, and answering frequently asked questions along the way. Through supplementary interviews, essays, and more, the book will examine the role of the librettist; how a libretto can inspire a composer, director, and designer; and more.


  • Joint winner, Patrick O'Neill Award 2023


When Words Sing beautifully addresses the challenge of imagining orality and music through words, demonstrating how sound and soundscapes can be represented textually. The book is organized in a way that will make it a pleasure to teach and provides an accessible entry point for those new to its field.

- Patrick O’Neill Award, Canadian Association for Theatre Research