Assistance sociale et services sociaux

Affichage de 1-10 sur 26 titre(s)
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Parenting Your Parents

Par (auteur) Bart J. Mindszenthy & Michael Gordon
Avant-propos de Paula Rochon
Catégories: Soin des personnes âgées

A compendium of family scenarios for those dealing with the guilt, worry, and difficult decisions that come with eldercare.

  • Is it time for your aging father to stop driving?
  • How can you balance your ...

Families, Mobility, and Work

Employment-related geographical mobility is widespread and increasing within Canada and around the world. Prolonged daily commutes, working away for extended periods, and being employed in mobile workplaces ...

White Benevolence

When working with Indigenous people, the helping professions —education, social work, health care and justice — reinforce the colonial lie that Indigenous people need saving. In White Benevolence, ...

Disarm, Defund, Dismantle

Canadian laws are just, the police uphold the rule of law and treat everyone equally, and without the police, communities would descend into chaos and disorder. These entrenched myths, rooted in settler-colonial ...

Mon pays c'est la relation

Par (auteur) Véronique Lang
Catégories: Soin des personnes âgées

Accompagner des personnes âgées vulnérables comporte richesses et défis, en particulier lorsque s’immiscent les pertes cognitives. Sous sa plume fine et pleine de tendresse, l’autrice nous expose ...

Fight to Win

Par (auteur) A.J. Withers
Catégories: Travail social

AJ Withers draws on their own experiences as an organizer, extensive interviews with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) activists and Toronto bureaucrats, and freedom of information requests ...


Divided looks at the last fifteen years in Saskatchewan, during which time the Saskatchewan Party government sought to reforge the province’s image into the New Saskatchewan: brash, materialistic, highly ...

The Case for Basic Income

Inequality is up. Decent work is down. Free market fundamentalism has been exposed as a tragic failure. In a job market upended by COVID-19—with Canadians caught in the grip of precarious labour, stagnant ...

Storying Violence

In August of 2016, Cree youth Colten Boushie was shot dead by Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley. Using colonial and socio-political narratives that underlie white rural settler life, the authors position ...

L'autosupervision dialogique en intervention psychosociale

L’intervention psychosociale est le terrain où se meuvent les problématiques de toutes sortes, souvent plus complexes les unes que les autres. Elle est aussi l’aire où les dynamismes générateurs ...