Gonzague, le loup végétarien

La description

Gonzague, an eternal dreamer who longs for peace, has little in common with other wolves. While it would be easy to guess that his peculiar name is the reason why he’s being made fun of, it’s actually his vegetarian diet that results in him being somewhat of an outcast. Desperate to find friends who’ll understand his love of vegetables, Gonzague decides to turn to the rabbits of the forest, who welcome him with open arms.


Gonzague n'a rien d'un loup ordinaire. Premièrement, il s'appelle Gonzague, ce qui est peu commun. Deuxièmement. .. eh bien, il est végétarien. Ses préférences alimentaires lui valent d'innombrables moqueries, mais Gonzague n'en a que faire. Pourtant, Roméo, un autre loup de la meute, est jaloux et voudrait bien lui faire manger ses pissenlits par la racine. ..