Table des matières



Section 1: Making Change
1. Digging Into the Feminist Media: looking for lesbian health – Jan Trainor
2. Reflecting on 1977: how much has changed? Women and Health: The Growing Controversy Leah Cohen and Constance Backhouse CWS reprint
3. The Vancouver Women’s Health Collective -
a. Karen Buhler My Education: the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective
b. Elizabeth Whynot, Still Standing: the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective
c. Jeannette Frost, The Diaphragm Fitters Collective
d. Melanie Conn, The Integrity of the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective
4. Racism, Sexism and Colonialism- The impact on the health of Aboriginal women in Canada: Carrie Bourassa, Kim McKay-McNabb and Mary Hampton. CWS Reprint Vol. 24, Number 1, Page 23-29
5. Organizing on the Rock: Wendy Williams
6. A Toronto women’s health clinic in the making: C. Backhouse, D. Majury, B. Acheson, B. Symes
7. The Women’s Health Movement in Canada-Looking Back and Moving Forward: Madeline Boscoe, Gwynne Basen, Ghislaine Alleyne, Barbara Bourrier-Lacroix & Susan White of the Canadian Women’s Health Network. CWS Reprint Fall 2004: Vol 24, Number 1 page 7-13.

Section 2: Claiming Our Bodies
1. Abortion
a. Secrets, Lies & Silence-Procuring an Abortion in the 1960’s: Linde Zingaro
b. The Last Bastion: Abortion Access in Prince Edward Island: Colleen MacQuarrie, Ann Wheatley and Anne Mazer
c. Rolling into Ottawa in the Abortion Caravan: Ellen Woodsworth
d. Québécoises Deboutte! Louise Desmarais (translated by Martin Dufresne)
e. Organizing in Chaos: Abortion Access at Vancouver General Hospital 1977-1978: Elizabeth Whynot
f. Oakville to Buffalo on the Underground Railroad: Susan Bazilli
2. Contraception
a. Going to Court for Contraception in Newfoundland: Wendy Williams
b. What it Was Like Before the Pill: Michele Landsberg
3. Activist Cheque-Mate?-A look back at Canada’s Breast Cancer Movement: Sharon Batt
4. Making Ovulatory Menstrual Cycles Matter in Women: Jerilynn Prior
5. Body Beautiful/Body Perfect: Challenging the Status Quo. Where do Women with Disabilities Fit in? Francine Odette. CWS Reprint, Summer 1994, Vol 14, Number 3. Page 41-43.

Section 3: Fixing Services
1. The Vancouver Sexual Assault Service, a very short story: Elizabeth Whynot & Carol Herbert
2. Centuries of Struggle-Legalizing Midwifery: Sarah Payne
3. Honouring Pioneer Aboriginal Nurses from the Blood Reserve: Judith Kulig and Sonya Grypma. CARNA Reprint, Oct 2006 Vol 62 Number 8.
4. The Vancouver Birth Centre: Cheryl Anderson and Camille Bush
5. Lesbians Face Unique Health Care Problems Healthsharing Reprint: Ruth Simkin
6. Women’s Hospitals:
a. How Feminism Saved The Grand Old Lady on Grenville St: Michele Landsberg
b. The Fight to Save Women’s College Hospital (again): Jane Pepino
c. Resilience Under Fire: Maintaining a Beacon for Women’s Health in British Columbia

Section 4: Replacing the Medical Model
1. Three Inquiries: Looking for Accountability for the Sexual Abuse of Patients in Ontario Marilou McPhedran.
2. Remembering Ruth Cooperstock- Women and Pharmaceuticals 20 Years Later. Anne Rochon-Ford and Paula Caplan. Excerpts from Women and Health Protection Report, 2006.
3. Travelling Ontario With Mommy’s Little Helper: Nancy Poole
4. Filling a Gap: The Western Canada Feminist Counselling Association (1979 to 1992): Ingrid Pacey, Marsha Ablowitz, Sandra Freidman & Wendy Barrett
5. Responding to Violence Against Women- Not Much has Changed: Wlifreda Thurston
6. Reframing Smoking: Lorraine Greaves
7. A Feminist Approach to Pap Tests: Rebecca Fox
8. Side Effects-Putting Women’s Health Centre Stage - Sari Tudiver and Karen Seabrooke

Section 5: Shifting Systems
1. Double Duty: Nurses in the Second Wave: Margaret Scaia
2. Women’s Health Research- From Nothing to Something: Lorraine Greaves
3. Healthsharing- Writing Our Way To Health: Connie Clement
4. Feminist Perspectives on Breast Cancer, Environmental Health & Primary Prevention: Dorothy Gilden Rosenberg
5. Victimized or Validated? Responses to Substance-Using Pregnant Women: Lorraine Greaves and Nancy Poole. CWS Reprint Vol 24, Number 1 pg 87-92
6. Ill considered: Reflections on Women, HIV and Exclusion: Jacqueline Gahagan
7. DES Cancer at 20-An Activist is Born: Harriet Simand
8. The Canadian Public Health Association and Access to Family Planning Services 1960s-70s: Kelsey Lucyk


How feminism transformed the healthcare system in Canada

La description

Women’s Health expert Lorraine Greaves details the innovative, courageous, and creative activism of the “second wave” women’s health movement in Canada between 1960 and 2010. This activism (re)claimed women’s bodies, created women-centered spaces and services, and challenged the medical model. Feminists challenged diagnoses, treatments, laws, policies and research, as well as the care women were offered and the way they saw their bodies and themselves. Legions of women, and a few men, made changes ranging from abortion rights to preserving women’s hospitals, to the legalization of midwifery to requiring gendered health research—changes that resonate today.