The Whaling Indians: Legendary Hunters

West Coast Legends and Stories: Part 9 of the Sapir-Thomas Nootka Texts

Table des matières

AbstractResumePrefaceIntroductionNarratives85. The Adventures of Si:xna:ch86. Na:wa:?i:k87. Na:we:?i:k as Whaler88. ?Owi:mln'i as a Whaler89. Kw'atsitaqsol of the Ho:choqtlis?ath91. Wa"kitiml, a Tl'a?o:kwi?ath Whaler92. Tlan'iqol Becomes a Whaler93. ?I:lchin'ak94. Sa:ya:ch'apis as a Whaler95. Sachki:t, the K'inaxom?as?ath Chief96. Ta:posh?i:n?is97. Cha:kwa:siqmik Gets Whaling Power From the Sharks98. How the Young Chief of Yashitqo:?a Became a Whaler99. The Rival Whalers100. T'ay'ats'oqwas, Sinker's Daughter101. The Whale Sweetheart102. Kwi:stox Gets Two Drift Whales103. A Drift-Whaling Contest104. A Stolen Whale105. A Lesson for a Stingy Man106. The River of the Ts'akwistis?ath107. Whaling Songs of the Hitats'o?ath108. Hi:hlo:qwap Gets Spring Salmon109. Ko:hw'isaqmi:k ?oh?ish Hi:tsswatqmi:k, Hair Seal Hunter and Porpoise Hunter110. ?I:ch'a:?apshi:l ?ish ?I:chqiqmi:k, Always-Lifts-Up and Sorehead-Hunter111. The First Use of Crabs as Food112. The Youth Who Was Left Behind by the Halibut FishermenEndnotesAdditional NotesReferences

Features 28 accounts of traditional hunting life among the Nuu-chah-nulth.

La description

Among the Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) peoples of Canada’s West Coast, whaling has been the cultural focus for millennia. Legendary Hunters - Part 9 of the four-volume series The Whaling Indians - features 28 accounts of traditional hunting life among the Nuu-chah-nulth. Drawn from a collection of oral history gathered between 1910 and 1923, these narratives present a vivid portrait of whaling from a First Nations perspective. These accounts outline methods of hunting Humpback and Gray Whales, while also detailing the long preparatory rituals which help guarantee success. Showcasing the perseverance and expertise of Native whalers on the West Coast, Legendary Hunters presents an engrossing look at a fascinating way of life.