Showing 71-80 of 86 titles.
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Cold Comfort

Graham W. Rowley (1912-2003) was a research professor of northern and Native studies at Carleton University, Ottawa.
Susan Rowley, Graham Rowley’s daughter, is co-editor of Uqalurait: An Oral History ...

Canada in Space

Par (auteur) Chris Gainor
Catégories: Histoires des Amériques
Séries: Legends

Canadians have always had a pioneering spirit. We’ve explored our country and our planet, and now we’re exploring space. Read more about Canada’s amazing contributions to space research and discovery: ...

Canadian Environmental History

Édité par David Freeland Duke
Catégories: Écologie

In an era of increasing environmental awareness, Canadians are becoming more and more curious about the context of environmental action and policy. Canadian Environmental History puts into historical perspective ...

Cod: The Ecological History of the North Atlantic Fishery

Par (auteur) George A. Rose
Catégories: La Terre

The devastation of many of the greatest North Atlantic cod stocks, particularly those of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Grand Banks, has become an icon for the unsustainable relation between human ...

Pursuing Giraffe

In the 1950s, Anne Innis Dagg was a young zoologist with a lifelong love of giraffe and a dream to study them in Africa. Based on extensive journals and letters home, Pursuing Giraffe vividly chronicles ...

Power and Restructuring

This is a book about power in small places, its perceptions and realities; where these conflict and where they come together. Based on research conducted on Canada’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the ...

Icy Battleground

Par (auteur) Donald Barry
Catégories: Biologie marine

Icy Battleground is the first comprehensive account of the forty-year political controversy over the seal hunt. With a foreword by the Honourable John C. Crosbie, it traces the rise of the anti-sealing ...

Biotechnology Unzipped

Par (auteur) Eric S. Grace
Catégories: Biotechnologie

Biotechnology may raise more hope and fear…revelation and confusion…excitement and alarm…than any other term in today?s headlines. Scientist and skilled science popularizer Eric Grace helps the ...

Husserl and the Sciences

Édité par Richard A. Feist
Catégories: Philosophie des sciences
Séries: Philosophica

Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) is one of the previous century’s most important thinkers. Often regarded as the "Father of phenomenology," this collection of essays reveals that he is indeed much more than ...