Table des matières

Introduction // Lars K. Hallström

SECTION I: Contexts and Challenges for Rural Sustainability
ONE Roots, Regions, and Radical Practice
Rural Communities in Societal Survival and Transformation // David J. A. Douglas
TWO Rural Sustainability and the “Lenses" of Place // Don Alexander and Bernie Jones
THREE Engaging the Public in Wildlife and Greenspace
Stewardship in Camrose, Alberta
An Analysis of Outcomes, Drivers, and Lessons Learned // Glen T. Hvenegaard and Michael Barr
FOUR Peaks and Valleys on the Prairies
Optimism and Resistance to Sustainable Community Development in Craik, Saskatchewan // Sean Connelly, Kelly Green, Sean Markey, and Mark Roseland

SECTION II: Sustainability Planning, Capacity, and Collaboration
FIVE Municipal Sustainability Planning, Community Engagement, and Rural Revitalization
A Case Study of Chauvin, Alberta // Moira J. Calder, Mary A. Beckie, and Shelly McMann
SIX Developing Assessment and Adaptation Capacity
Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Municipal Planning in Newfoundland and Labrador // Melanie Irvine, Robert Keenan, and Kelly Vodden
SEVEN The Creative Economy
An Opportunity for Rural Community Sustainability // Yolande E. Chan and Jeff A. Dixon
EIGHT University–Community Partnerships to Support Small-Town Economic Transition // Laura Ryser, Marc von der Gonna, and Greg Halseth

SECTION III: Implementation and Action: Lessons from the Front Lines
NINE Taking the Next Steps Toward
Environmental Sustainability
Implementing the Official Plan on Pelee Island // Jennifer Sumner and Claire Sanders
TEN Rural First Nations Tourism
Examining the Relationship Between Sustainable Tourism and Capacity // Rhonda Koster and Kirstine Baccar
ELEVEN Netukulimk Narratives
Pathways to Rebuilding Sustainable Indigenous Nations // L. Jane McMillan, Kerry Prosper, Morgan E. Moffitt, and Anthony Davis
TWELVE You Are Where You Eat
Developing an Online Tool for Community Food Mapping // Jon Corbett, Casey Hamilton, and Shayne Wright

SECTION IV: Assessment
THIRTEEN An Ecohealth Framework for Evaluating Source-Water Protection, Health, and Well-Being in the Otonabee River Basin // Karen Morrison, Karen Houle, and Meredith Carter
FOURTEEN Seeking Sustainability through Self-Assessment and Regional Cooperation in Newfoundland and Labrador // Kelly Vodden, Ryan Lane, and Craig Pollett
FIFTEEN An Incremental Radicalism for Sustainable Communities // Roger Epp


La description

In step with rural development initiatives across Canada today, these fourteen case studies examine the shift toward sustainability-based planning as a key element of community development. They also explore the growth of partnerships between communities and post-secondary institutions, which extend beyond research and education into community development practices, capacity building, and participatory action research. Rural development researchers, decision makers and elected officials at all levels of government, political scientists and policy analysts, and community engagement practitioners will benefit from reading Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada.


“This book is an excellent compilation of research on rural sustainability issues in Canada, covering a number of topics by university researchers and rural communities working closely together. … The rural issues the contributors discuss all involve public engagement with academics and rural citizens working together, covering a wide range of issues, from Aboriginal communities to land use regarding conversion of farmland, to economic impacts of rural population loss and aging, and the meanings of sustainability. ”

- Duane (Dewey) Thorbeck