Sciences de la Terre, environnement, géographie et urbanisme

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Gold Rush!

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Ruée vers l’or ! Eldorado en Colombie-Britannique

Some say that Western Canada began with the railway. In fact, it began with a gold rush. Relive the tumultuous ...

Civic Symbol

Par (auteur) Christopher Armstrong
Catégories: Urbanisme

“Filled with fascinating stories and photographs, and based on exhaustive research, Civic Symbol is an important book about an important building. ” –Mark Osbaldeston, author of Unbuilt Toronto

The ...

Dam Builders

Par (auteur) Michael Runtz
Catégories: La Terre

Few animals in the world are as famous or as infamous as the beaver, and none save our species has the ability to so dramatically transform its environment. Beavers are remarkable animals. They have teeth ...

Street Sex Work and Canadian Cities

Par (auteur) Shawna Ferris
Catégories: Urbanisme

Canadian cities are striving for high safety ratings by eliminating crime, which includes “cleaning” urban areas of the street sex industry. Ironically, sex workers also want to live and work in a ...

Bringing Home Animals, 2nd edition

Bringing Home Animals is an ethnography detailing what the author learned as a result of travelling and working with Iinuu (Cree) hunters and their families in Northern Quebec. The study was conducted ...

Sauver la planète une bouchée à la fois

Dans ce guide pratique, le nutritionniste urbain Bernard Lavallée offre une foule de conseils, trucs et astuces pour que le respect et la protection de l’environnement se fassent aussi dans notre assiette. ...

Le Canada et l'Arctique

Le réchauffement climatique a des répercussions considérables sur l’environnement arctique, dont l’une est de rendre cette région beaucoup plus accessible au commun des mortels. Les nouvelles ...

A Line in the Tar Sands

Tar sands “development” comes with an enormous environmental and human cost. But tar sands opponents—fighting a powerful international industry—are likened to terrorists; government environmental ...

Bold Scientists

Par (auteur) Michael Riordon
Catégories: Philosophie des sciences

As governments and corporations scramble to pull the plug on research that proves that they are poisoning our planet and rush to muzzle the scientists who dare to share their disturbing data, it seems ...

From Hiroshima to Fukushima to You

Clear and accurate information about the risks of radiation told through fascinating stories. Few physicians give thought to the delayed health effects of radiation or challenge the potential overuse ...