20th Century

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The American Western in Canadian Literature

The Western, with its stoic cowboys and quickhanded gunslingers, is an instantly recognizable American genre that has achieved worldwide success. Cultures around the world have embraced but also adapted ...

Finnegans Wakes

James Joyce’s astonishing Finnegans Wake (1939) is universally acknowledged to be untranslatable. Still, fifteen complete translations exist in twelve different languages, with ten more underway in ...

The Typewriter Century

With quirky charm, Lyons captures the intensity of the relationship between writers and their typewriters from the 1880s, when the machine was first commercialized, to the 1980s, when word-processing ...

Mixing Memory & Desire

The last soldier who saw trench action in the Great War died in 2009. With his passing, all direct memory of the horror of that war ceased—memory became history. But Brian Kennedy argues that our collective ...