Histoires de Kanatha

vues et contées : essais et discours, 1991-2008

La description

Cette collection est le premier ouvrage par un autochtone canadien qui discute le concept d’histoire des peuples autochtones et l’expérience coloniale. Tout au long de ces textes, écrits dans plusieurs genres pendant vingt ans, Georges Sioui reprend les idées des Hurons-Wyandots au sujet de la place des Autochtones au Canada, dans l’histoire et le monde. -- This is the first collection written by an Aboriginal Canadian on the Aboriginal understanding of history and the colonial experience. These essays, stories, lectures, and poems, written over the last twenty years by Georges Sioui, present and explore the perspectives of the Huron-Wyandot people on the place of Aboriginal people in Canada, in the world, and in history.


It was with great pleasure that I received Georges Sioui's book, and I read it with as much interest as profit. Nothing is more important for the future of our studies than to know that our Amerindian colleagues are ready and determined to take on their own anthropology and their own history. Sioui's work is a brilliant demonstration of this undertaking.

- Claude Lévi-Strauss

La pertinence de ce travail de l'historien wendat est indéniable et il faut saluer son courage...Cette voix doit être entendue.

- Éric Laugrand