Personal Memoirs

Showing 71-78 of 78 titles.
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To Touch a Dream

Par (auteur) Sunny Wright
Catégories: Biography & Autobiography

This warm-hearted memoir tells the story of the dream of many North Americans: to throw up a dull job and journey into the wilderness to live off the land. Sunny Wright does exactly that when she decides ...

An Unauthorized Biography of the World

Par (auteur) Michael Riordon
Catégories: Mémoires

An Unauthorized Biography of the World explores the practice of engaged oral history: the difficult, sometimes dangerous work of recovering fragments of human story that have gone missing from the official ...

The Hudson's Bay Boy

Par (auteur) John Seagrave
Avant-propos de George Heller
Catégories: Mémoires

After retiring from HBC to Yellowknife, Seagrave decided to write down his tales of northern adventure. It was time to record what he witnessed as the fur trade collapsed, as electricity and television ...

Eating Fire

Eating Fire follows in the steps of Riordon’s popular 1996 book Out our way, on gay and lesbian life in the country (BTL, 1996). This new set of tales examines the range in living patterns and relationships ...