Coming of Age

Showing 11-20 of 28 titles.
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Two White Queens and the One-Eyed Jack

Par (auteur) Heidi von Palleske
Catégories: Littérature générale

A modern literary novel with mythic and gothic overtones set between between the 1960s and the 1980s. A boy falls from a tree and his best friend feels responsible. Loss and guilt bind them as they grow ...

A Cemetery for Bees

Par (auteur) Alina Dumitrescu
Catégories: Littérature générale

This autobiographical novel traces the journey of a woman from her youth in Socialist Eastern Europe to her transplanted life in Montreal, Canada. She is a precocious, thoughtful child, whose early life ...

Chasing Painted Horses

Par (auteur) Drew Hayden Taylor
Catégories: Littérature générale

When Ralph Thomas, an Indigenous policeman, comes across graffiti of a horse in an alleyway, he is stopped in his tracks. A half-asleep Indigenous homeless man sees Ralph’s reaction and over a hot coffee ...

Disappearing in Reverse

Par (auteur) Allie McFarland
Catégories: Littérature générale
Séries: ISSN

Devin died five years ago. She got an infection, lost her arm, and died. How can Devin be in a picture posted online today?

Disappearing in Reverse is a story of grief and discovery that crosses genres ...

Cardinal Divide

A father comes out to his daughter as a woman. Or at least, he was once a woman. It’s complicated. Funny. Painful. Eventually joyful. Meanwhile the daughter, who was adopted, has her own identity issues. ...

Aubrey McKee

Par (auteur) Alex Pugsley
Catégories: Littérature générale
Séries: The Aubrey McKee Novels

An arcana of oddball angels, Alex Pugsley’s long-awaited debut novel follows rich-kid drug dealers and junior tennis brats, émigré heart surgeons and small-time thugs, renegade private school girls ...

Some People's Children

Par (auteur) Bridget Canning
Catégories: Littérature générale

Imogene Tubbs has never met her father and, raised by her grandmother, she only sees her mother sporadically. But as she grows older, she learns that many people in her small, rural town believe her father ...

Even Weirder Than Before

Par (auteur) Susie Taylor
Catégories: Romans en cadre familial

The early 1990s: there’s no internet, VHS is still a thing, and Daisy Radcliffe’s family is disintegrating. As the stability of her old life disappears, she is set adrift into the odd territory between ...

Jesus on the Dashboard

Par (auteur) Lisa Murphy-Lamb
Catégories: Littérature générale

Teenage years can be complicated, even when you haven’t been abandoned by your mother at age ten. It is the 1980s and teenage Gemma lives with her well-meaning father, Nathaniel, and tries to come to ...

My True and Complete Adventures as a Wannabe Voyageur

Par (auteur) Phyllis Rudin
Catégories: Roman religieux et spirituel

Benjie Gabai serves out his days as caretaker of The Bay’s poky in-store fur trade museum, dusting and polishing the artifacts that fuel his imagination. When he learns his museum is about to be closed ...