Political Process

Showing 1-10 of 51 titles.
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Federalism in Canada

Par (auteur) Kathy L. Brock & Geoffrey Hale
Édité par Gregory Tardi
Catégories: Pouvoirs exécutifs
Séries: Understanding Canada

What does the concept of “federalism” mean and how does a federation differ from a unitary state? Professors Brock and Hale focus specifically on Canada as an example of a federal state and explain ...

Political Law in Canada

Par (auteur) Gregory Tardi
Avant-propos de Patrick J. Monahan
Catégories: Pouvoirs exécutifs
Séries: Understanding Canada

Democracy implies the primacy of law over discretion and power. Several disciplines, in particular constitutional law and political science, offer traditional analyses of this reality. Political law is ...

Blue Storm

In 2019, the United Conservative Party, under the leadership of Jason Kenney, unseated the New Democratic Party to form the provincial government of Alberta. A restoration of conservative power in a province ...

I Want a Better Catastrophe

Par (auteur) Andrew Boyd
Catégories: Changements climatiques

An existential manual for tragic optimists, can-do pessimists, and compassionate doomers

WITH GLOBAL WARMING projected to rocket past the 1.5°C limit, lifelong activist Andrew Boyd is thrown into a crisis ...

1950s Canada

Par (auteur) Nelson Wiseman
Catégories: Histoires des Amériques

While the 1950s in Canada were years of social conformity, it was also a time of political, economic, and technological change. Against a background of growing prosperity, federal and provincial politics ...

The Political Party in Canada

Political parties are central to democratic politics, but where does the power lie within them, and how is it exercised? The Political Party in Canada explores the inner workings of these complex organizations ...

Women Winning Office

Par (auteur) Peggy Nash
Catégories: Élections et référendums

When Peggy Nash first decided to run for elected office, she had no idea where to start, who to contact, or what the rules were. For those who are underrepresented in political life, politics can seem ...

Unsettling Canada

A Canadian bestseller and winner of the 2016 Canadian Historical Association Aboriginal History Book Prize, Unsettling Canada is a landmark text built on a unique collaboration between two First Nations ...

Spin Doctors

Par (auteur) Nora Loreto
Catégories: Structure politique

As Canada was in the grips of the worst pandemic in a century, Canadian media struggled to tell the story. Newsrooms, already run on threadbare budgets, struggled to make broader connections that could ...

A Long Way to Paradise

The political landscape of British Columbia has been characterized by divisiveness since Confederation. But why and how did it become Canada’s most fractious province? A Long Way to Paradise traces the ...