
Showing 1-10 of 11 titles.
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Federalism in Canada

Par (auteur) Kathy L. Brock & Geoffrey Hale
Édité par Gregory Tardi
Catégories: Pouvoirs exécutifs
Séries: Understanding Canada

What does the concept of “federalism” mean and how does a federation differ from a unitary state? Professors Brock and Hale focus specifically on Canada as an example of a federal state and explain ...

Political Law in Canada

Par (auteur) Gregory Tardi
Avant-propos de Patrick J. Monahan
Catégories: Pouvoirs exécutifs
Séries: Understanding Canada

Democracy implies the primacy of law over discretion and power. Several disciplines, in particular constitutional law and political science, offer traditional analyses of this reality. Political law is ...

1950s Canada

Par (auteur) Nelson Wiseman
Catégories: Histoires des Amériques

While the 1950s in Canada were years of social conformity, it was also a time of political, economic, and technological change. Against a background of growing prosperity, federal and provincial politics ...

The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership

Par (auteur) Lyse Langlois
Catégories: Gestion et commerce
Séries: Labour Across Borders

Performance at all costs, productivity without regard to consequences, and a competitive work environment: these are the ethical factors discussed in The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership, which highlights ...

The Big Red Machine

Par (auteur) Stephen Clarkson
Catégories: Structure politique

In The Big Red Machine, astute Liberal observer Stephen Clarkson tells the story of the Liberal Party’s performance in the last nine elections, providing essential historical context for each and offering ...

Why Canadian Unity Matters and Why Americans Care

Par (auteur) Charles F. Doran
Catégories: Structure politique

Why is Canadian unity important to democratic pluralism worldwide?Democratic pluralism is the ability of different cultural and language communities to find representation under a single set of democratic ...

The Politics of Taxation in Canada

Par (auteur) Geoffrey Hale
Catégories: Structure politique

Finalist for the 2002 Donner Prize

The balancing of government budgets after years of chronic deficits has reopened public debates over tax levels, the size of government and proposals for tax reform. ...

A People's Dream

Par (auteur) Dan Russell
Catégories: Politique et gouvernement

In this provocative and passionate book, Dan Russell outlines the
history of Aboriginal self-government in Canada. He compares it to that
of the United States, where, for over 150 years, tribes have practised ...

Canada: The State of the Federation, 1999-2000

The authors begin with an examination of recent developments in the theoretical literature surrounding fiscal federalism. They then examine some of the major issues facing the federation - Is there a ...