Cuisine, alimentation et boisson

Affichage de 41-50 sur 75 titre(s)
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Les saveurs gastronomiques de la bière

Par (auteur) David Lévesque Gendron & Martin Thibault
Photographies de David Gingras
Catégories: Bières et cidres
Séries: Optiques

Un livre qui, outrepassant les couleurs et les styles, met en vedette l’étonnante diversité des flaveurs offerte par la boisson alcoolisée la plus populaire de la Terre.

  • La dégustation pour tous, ...

Appetizers for Entertaining

An evening with friends and family becomes a memorable event with an attractive and tasty array of starters, tapas, or appetizers. Appetizers for Entertaining is designed to help you plan and cook fabulous ...

Superfood Juicing and Smoothies

A smoothie for whatever ails you. Detailed information about ingredients and the health benefits they offer, as well as a selection of smoothies to help with specific health issues (e. g. lower high blood ...

Smokin', Eh

Using equipment such as backyard BBQs (grills) or more specialized smokers, Anderson describes techniques and tips to help develop your own smoking style. Locally available woods bring different flavour ...

Gluten-Free Baking

You’ve asked and we’ve listened. Finally, a gluten-free cookbook from Company’s Coming! Living without wheat products is as easy as (gluten-free) pie when you can enjoy the delightful breads, cakes, ...

Ces galettes dont tout le monde parle

Par (auteur) Madame Labriski
Catégories: Cuisine par type de plats
Séries: Cuisine

Cuisiner des galettes sans sucre et sans gras ajoutés et générer du gros plaisir, c’est possible. Madame Labriski sucre TOUT à la purée de dattes et lie ses recettes avec du yogourt nature sans ...

Russian Cuisine

This is not a book. It is a voyage into Russian culture. The exploration starts with a tour of Russian history with typical ingredients and an explanation of how these foods became Russian staples. Next ...

400-Calorie Mains

Most fad diets have very similar results: weight loss followed by weight gain. The truth is that calories count. If you don’t watch calories, the ones that don’t get burned off during daily routine ...

First Nations Recipes

First Nations cuisine draws on millennia of evolution and deserves a lifetime of study. Canada’s First Nations peoples based their cuisine on the rich, regionally diverse bounty of the land, sea, lakes ...