
Showing 11-18 of 18 titles.
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Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye

By (author) B.W. Powe
Categories: Biography: writers

Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye are two of Canada’s central cultural figures, colleagues and rivals whose careers unfolded in curious harmony even as their intellectual engagement was antagonistic. ...

Keepers of the Code

Keepers of the Code explores the complex network of associations and negotiations that influenced the development of literary anthologies in English Canada from 1837 to the present. Lecker shows that ...

Selves and Subjectivities

As critic Diana Brydon has argued, contemporary Canadian writers are “not transcending nation but resituating it. ” Drawing together themes of gender and sexuality, trauma and displacement, performativity, ...

Refereeing Identity

Hockey novels in Canada have emerged and thrived as a popular fiction genre, building on the mythology of Canadian hockey as a rough, testosterone-fuelled bastion of masculinity. However, recent decades ...

In Flux

The politics of difference, mired in the violence of colonial history, are a dominant force in the socio-economic development of contemporary society as it strikes a balance between the acceptance of ...

Writers Talking

Eight interviews, eight stories, eight commentaries. Eight of Canada’s finest writers. Writers Talking gives readers a chance to listen in: Terry Griggs on where stories come from, Michael Winter on ...

Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada

Canada’s rich, diverse literary heritage has long attracted widespread recognition, and in recent years Canadian writers have won nearly every major international literary award. The breadth and sophistication ...


This collection of essays charts the author’s intellectual journey as an academic teaching "postcolonial literature" in a Canadian university. Mukherjee challenges and shows the inadequacy of the postcolonial, ...