
Showing 31-40 of 182 title(s)
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Grandeurs et misères de l'université québécoise

Autobiographique autant qu’historique, cet ouvrage pousse la réflexion bien au-delà de la simple anecdote sur le parcours somme toute unique de son auteur. Celui-ci a été recteur d’une des plus ...

Sharing Breath

The field of embodiment theorizes bodies as knowledgeable in ways that include but are not solely cognitive. The contributors to this collection suggest developing embodied ways of teaching, learning, ...

Potlatch as Pedagogy

In 1884, the Canadian government enacted a ban on the potlatch, the foundational ceremony of the Haida people. The tradition, which determined social structure, transmitted cultural knowledge, and redistributed ...

The Craft of University Teaching

What does university teaching—as a craft—look like? What changes does a craft perspective suggest for higher education? The Craft of University Teaching addresses these questions in both a general ...

Powerful Understanding

By (author) Adrienne Gear
Categories: Teacher training

Explore effective ways to build social emotional skills and help students make connections, question what they read, and reflect on their learning as they develop into stronger readers and learners. Critical ...

Les vingt-cinq ans de l'APLAQA

Depuis sa fondation en 1991, l’APLAQA demeure fidèle à son mandat de stimuler la réflexion sur les littératures acadienne et québécoise et à les mettre en rapport avec les autres littératures ...

Découvrir la déficience intellectuelle

Cela s’adresse autant aux étudiants et intervenants de première ligne des domaines de l’éducation, de la rééducation, de la santé, des services de garde, qu’aux parents qui reçoivent ce diagnostic ...

What Is a "Good" Teacher?

By (author) David Booth & Richard Coles
Categories: Teacher training

Based on the experiences of teachers who make a difference, this book offers valuable insights into becoming the best teacher you can be for your students, showing you how to implement effective strategies ...

Moving Math

Moving Math is a resource that focuses on “moving” the teaching and learning of mathematics by shifting instruction and assessment practices. The book describes how using key thinking skills helps ...

The Slow Professor

If there is one sector that should be cultivating deep thought in itself and others, it is academia. Yet the corporatization of the university demands increased speed and efficiency from faculty regardless ...