The Western Metis

Profile of a People

By (author) Patrick C. Douaud
Categories: Non-classifiable
Series: Canadian Plains Studies(CPS)
Publisher: University of Regina Press
Paperback : 9780889771994, 326 pages, January 2007

Table of contents


The Metis: The People and the Term

Indigenous Knowledge, Literacy and Research on Metissage and Metis Origins on the Saskatchewan River: The Case of the Jerome Family
Ruth Swan and Edward A. Jerome

The Northern Great Plains: Pantry of the Northwestern Fur Trade, 1774-1885
Arthur J. Ray

The Twatt Family, 1780-1840: Amerindian, Ethnic Category, or Ethnic Group Identity?
Paul C. Thistle

Wintering, the Outsider Adult Male and the Ethnogenesis of the Western Plains Metis
John E. Foster

The Market for Metis Lands in Manitoba: An Exploratory Study
Thomas Flanagan

Dispossession vs. Accommodation in Plaintiff vs. Defendant Accounts of Metis Dispersal from Manitoba, 1870-1881
D. N. Sprague

Metis Land Claims at St. Laurent: Old Arguments and New Evidence
Thomas Flanagan

Thomas Scott and the Daughter of Time
J. M. Bumsted

The Charismatic Pattern: Canada's Riel Rebellion of 1885 as a Millenarian Protest Movement
Manfred Mossman

Louis Riel and Sitting Bull's Sioux: Three Lost Letters
David G. McGrady

The Battle of Batoche
Walter Hildebrandt

Another Father of Confederation?
Allen Ronaghan

Notes & References

