
Showing 1-9 of 9 titles.
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Stories Left in Stone

By (author) Troy Nahumko
Categories: Travel writing
Series: Wayfarer

Stories Left in Stone: Trails and Traces in Cáceres, Spain is an in-depth journey into the lives, histories, and art of those who live behind and among the stones in Cáceres and the region of Extremadura. ...

Of Canoes and Crocodiles

By (author) Tony Robinson-Smith
Categories: Travel writing
Series: Wayfarer

Of Canoes and Crocodiles is a story of adventure in the remote and threatened landscapes of Papua New Guinea. In 2018, Tony Robinson-Smith and his wife Nadya Ladouceur bought dugout canoes and paddled ...


By (author) Amy Kaler
Categories: Travel writing
Series: Wayfarer

Braiding together personal, collective, and historical explorations of what it means to “go west,” Amy Kaler’s Half-Light: Westbound on a Hot Planet offers deep reflections on the meaning of life, ...

How to Clean a Fish

By (author) Esmeralda Cabral
Categories: Travel writing
Series: Wayfarer

How to Clean a Fish describes an extended family stay in Portugal, full of food, adventure, and the search for home. Offered the opportunity to live in Costa da Caparica for an extended period, Esmeralda ...

Blue Portugal and Other Essays

By (author) Theresa Kishkan
Categories: Literary essays
Series: Wayfarer

Using the richness of braided essays, Theresa Kishkan thinks deeply about the natural world, mourns and celebrates the aging body, gently contests recorded history, and considers art and visual phenomena. ...

On Foot to Canterbury

By (author) Ken Haigh
Categories: Travel guides: routes and ways
Series: Wayfarer

Setting off on foot from Winchester, Ken Haigh hikes across southern England, retracing a traditional route that medieval pilgrims followed to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. ...

Tiny Lights for Travellers

By (author) Naomi K. Lewis
Categories: Memoirs
Series: Wayfarer

When her marriage suddenly ends, and a diary documenting her beloved Opa’s escape from Nazi-occupied Netherlands in the summer of 1942 is discovered, Naomi Lewis decides to retrace his journey to freedom. ...

Magnetic North

By (author) Jenna Butler
Categories: Travel writing
Series: Wayfarer

From the endangered Canadian boreal forest to the environmentally threatened Svalbard archipelago off the coast of Norway, Butler takes us on a sea voyage that connects continents and traces the impacts ...

The Dragon Run

By (author) Tony Robinson-Smith
Categories: Travel and holiday
Series: Wayfarer

From the mystical kingdom of Bhutan, a memoir about running, teaching, and what really matters.

Brit by origin, Canuck by marriage, Tony Robinson-Smith couldn’t imagine that he, his wife, 10 Bhutanese ...