Picture storybooks

Showing 1-10 of 70 title(s)
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The Weedflower

A modern schoolyard fable about nature’s magical ability to encourage imagination, play, and joy—and a dandelion’s ability to always grow back

One day on the gray school playground, Sam notices something ...

I Am A Rock

Pauloosie loves his pet rock, Miki Rock. Pauloosie’s Anaana, his mother, tells him a bedtime story about what Miki Rock sees, hears, and feels in his Arctic home. As part of the land, Miki Rock sees ...

Je ne ferai pas de mal à une mouche

Hors de tout doute, Dionée ne ferait pas de mal à une mouche. Or, pour une plante carnivore, ne pas manger de mouches est plutôt louche. Comment est-ce possible? Ses consœurs se plaisent à raconter ...

Walking Trees

Lily wants a tree for her birthday. Although she and her father live in a tiny dark apartment, she promises to give it water and sun and air. But after she receives her tree—whom she names George—even ...

La petite robe rouge – Apje’ji’jk Mekwe’k Mtoqan – The Little Red Dress

By (author) Julie Gagnon & Julie Pellissier-Lush
Illustrated by Emma Hassencahl-Perley
Translated by Kenneth Prosper
Categories: Picture storybooks

Sakari adore fouiller dans la maison de sa grand-mère, mais elle ignore toujours ce qui se cache dans le panier tressé que sa nukumi garde au grenier. Et puis, un jour, elle voit sa nukumi en larmes, ...

La question qui tue

By (author) Jean Leroy
Illustrated by Olivier Dutto
Categories: Picture storybooks
Series: Carré blanc

Après le décès de la grand-mère de son amie, une petite fille s’interroge sur l’éventuelle mort de son grandpère et décide d’en parler avec lui. Ensemble, ils échangent sur différentes ...

Ouvrir grand ses oreilles

By (author) Céline Claire
Illustrated by Marie Lafrance
Categories: Picture storybooks

Firmin attend la visite de son frère. Chaque fois qu’il entend au loin un véhicule arriver – train, voiture ou bateau –, il se rend sur place pour accueillir son visiteur. Or, Firmin ne trouve ...

While You Were Sleeping

A nostalgic bedtime book featuring lyrical text and gentle illustrations from the celebrated author of Wildflower.

From celebrated author and artist Briana Corr Scott (Wildflower, The Book of Selkie) comes ...

Emi & Mini

Emi gets a new pet, Mini, a fat hamster. Unfortunately, Emi doesn't like hamsters. She wanted a dog. But after Mini escapes from her cage and hides somewhere in their house, Emi realizes she loves her ...