Earth sciences

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Runaway Climate

By (author) Steven Earle
Categories: Climate change

With tipping points and extreme global warming looming, the key to understanding our climate future lies in our distant past

With rising emissions, we are on track to cause rapid global warming with devastating ...


When people hear the word "migration," they think of animals that move from a feeding area to a breeding area and back each year. But the greatest migration on Earth happens twice every night. The movement ...

Quenching the Dragon

Part environmental manifesto, part travelogue, and part diplomatic odyssey, Quenching the Dragon arms readers with vital new perspectives on global hydrology and sustainability in the context of how former ...

Cold Comfort

Graham W. Rowley (1912-2003) was a research professor of northern and Native studies at Carleton University, Ottawa.
Susan Rowley, Graham Rowley’s daughter, is co-editor of Uqalurait: An Oral History ...

Cod: The Ecological History of the North Atlantic Fishery

The devastation of many of the greatest North Atlantic cod stocks, particularly those of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Grand Banks, has become an icon for the unsustainable relation between human ...