Society and culture: general

Showing 541-550 of 550 title(s)
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By (author) Annie York
Categories: Ethnic studies

Living on the banks of the turbulent Fraser River, the Nlaka’pamux people of Spuzzum have a long history of contact with non-aboriginal peoples. They watched as Hudson’s Bay Company employees hacked ...

Capturing Women

Consisting of a Series of stories, events, and episodes, the book highlights shifting patterns, attitudes, and perspectives toward women in the Prairies. One of Carter’s overarching themes is that women ...

Nellie McClung

By (author) Carol L. Hancock
Categories: Biography: general

Nellie McClung. Her story was her faith. Her work, as politician, author and feminist reformer of the first half of this century, makes Nellie McClung: No Small Legacy a compelling and inspiring biography. ...

Doing Things the Right Way

By (author) Joan Ryan
Categories: Ethnic studies

Joan Ryan and her research team have carefully documented Dogrib traditional justice as it has been practised over the past century. Relying upon information received from the elders of Lac La Martre, ...

Acadians of Nova Scotia

The first work devoted exclusively to Acadians in Nova Scotia, this book presents a thorough study of Acadian history from the earliest days of French settlement to present-day Acadian communities. Authors ...

The Whaling Indians: Legendary Hunters

Among the Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) peoples of Canada’s West Coast, whaling has been the cultural focus for millennia. Legendary Hunters - Part 9 of the four-volume series The Whaling Indians - features ...

Long-Ago People's Packsack

In earlier times, net bags made from caribou thong – today known as “babiche bags” – were commonplace items in Dene homes. Although intended for practical use, these bags were often beautifully ...

Dene Spruce Root Basketry

Baskets made from coiled spruce roots once were commonplace items in many Dene homes. The craft died out, however, in the nineteenth century, as copper kettles became available through trade with Europeans. ...

A History of the Native People of Canada

This is Part 1 of the third and final volume of A History of the Native People of Canada, as revealed by archaeological evidence. Over 12,000 years of Native history preceded the arrival of Europeans. ...