c 1500 onwards to present day

Showing 1-10 of 63 title(s)
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Two Pieces of Chocolate

In 1945, young Francine and her maman are sent to the Bergen-Belsen Nazi prison camp, where life is gray and hopeless. Determined to lift Francine’s spirits, Maman shares a secret: hidden inside her ...

Le prince africain, le traducteur et le nazi

Paris, 1941, sous l’Occupation allemande.

Antonio Jose Henrique Dos Santos Mbwafu, prince héritier du royaume Kongo (dans l’Angola colonisée par les Portugais), se livre à un trafic de diamants ...

500 ans de résistance autochtone

Antidote nécessaire à l’histoire officielle des Amériques, 500 ans de résistance autochtone dépeint d’une perspective autochtone la résistance des Premiers Peuples contre les colonisateurs et ...

Marguerite. Le feu

Émilie Monnet rencontre Marguerite Duplessis, cette femme autochtone mise en esclavage qui a été la première à défendre sa liberté lors d’un procès en Nouvelle-France, en 1740. Suivant ses traces ...

Aboriginal TM

By (author) Jennifer Adese
Categories: Indigenous peoples

In Aboriginal™, Jennifer Adese explores the origins, meaning, and usage of the term “Aboriginal” and its displacement by the word “Indigenous.” In the Constitution Act, 1982, the term’s express ...

For a Better World

Canada’s largest and most famous example of class conflict, the Winnipeg General Strike, redefined local, national, and international conversations around class, politics, region, ethnicity, and gender. ...

The Basketball Game

Warning: This book, which is based on a true story, has depictions of anti-Semitism and contains racial stereotypes and hateful language. It is intended for an audience of 12 years and older.

Healing ...

Through Their Eyes

By (author) Matthew Barrett & Robert C. Engen
Categories: First World War

By the summer of 1917, Canadian troops had captured Vimy Ridge, but Allied offensives had stalled across many fronts of the Great War. To help break the stalemate of trench warfare, the Canadian Corps ...