Anthology of Quebec Women's Plays in English Translation Volume Three



Covering a diverse range of subject matter, many of these plays are published in English for the first time.


When Books Come Tumbling Down (Le bibliothèque de Constance) by Marie-Eve Gagnon, translated by Louise Forsyth
Public Disorder (Désordre public) by Evelyne de la Chenelière, translated by Morwyn Brebner
Catch A Tiger (Lâ??histoire sordide de Conrad B. ) by Nathalie Boisvert, translated by Bobby Theodore
Jouliks by Marie-Christine Lê-Huu, translated by Crystal Beliveau
My Mother Dog (Ma mère chien) by Louise Bombardier, translated by Leanna Brodie
Chinese Portrait of an Imposter (Portrait chinois dâ??une imposteure) by Dominick Parenteau-Lebeuf, translated by Crystal Beliveau
Gisèle’s Wedding Dress (La robe de mariée de Gisèle Schmidt) by Julie Vincent, translated by Maureen Labonté
Rock, Paper, Jackknifeâ?¦ (Roche, papier, couteauâ?¦) by Marilyn Perreault, translated by Nadine Desrochers
Earthbound (Violette sur la terre) by Carole Fréchette, translated by John Murrell
The Sound of Cracking Bones (Le bruit des os qui craquent) by Suzanne Lebeau, translated by Julia Duchesne and John Van Burek