Literary studies: poetry and poets

Showing 1-7 of 7 title(s)
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The Vernacular Strain in Newfoundland Poetry

Mary Dalton’s 2020 Pratt Lecture engages with the vernacular voice in Newfoundland poetry, illustrating the move from uncertainty to acceptance and welcoming of the beauty and variety of the language ...

The Quest for a 'National' Nationalism

In his 2018 Pratt Lecture, The Quest for a ‘National’ Nationalism, renowned author and critic George Elliott Clarke investigates E. J. Pratt’s poetic attempt to become the epic poet of Canada. And ...

Nouveaux territoires de la poésie francophone au Canada, 1970-2000

Devant l’abondante production qui marque la poésie québécoise, acadienne et franco-ontarienne depuis 1970, de quels repères dispose-t-on pour explorer ce vaste continent? Nouveaux territoires de ...

Second Finding

The translation of poetry has always fascinated the theorists, as the chances of "replicating" in another language the one-off resonance of music, imagery, and truth values of a poem are vanishingly small. ...

Language Acts

Language Acts brings together twenty provocative essays on the state of English-language poetry in Québec since 1976. Born and raised during this historically resonant period of Trudeauism, organized ...

Bolder flights

A growing number of literary historians and critics now recognize the contemporary long poem as a distinctively Canadian genre. This collection of essays leads the reader to a deeper understanding of ...