Christian Churches, denominations, groups

Showing 1-6 of 6 title(s)
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Every Little Scrap and Wonder

From an award-winning essayist and acclaimed poet comes this radiant, observant, and warmly funny memoir about childhood, family, and small-town life. Carla Funk grew up in a place of logging trucks and ...

Horse-and-Buggy Genius

In both North and South America, many ultra-traditional Mennonites rejected the modern world, especially its icon the automobile. They became known as “horse-and-buggy” people. Historian Royden Loewen, ...

The Lord for the Body

James Opp is assistant professor, history, Carleton University.

Religious Institutions and the Law

This revised edition is the first-ever Canadian legal text on the law relating to religious institutions. Drawing on legal, historical, and theological sources, it deals with almost every area in which ...

Dying Church Living God

Make a new church. That’s the challenge Chuck Meyer lays down for readers. He writes that the institutional church we know so well is dying. In fact, it may already be dead. Its structure and theology ...

The Waning of the Green

McGowan traces the evolution of the Catholic community from an isolated religious and Irish ethnic subculture in the late nineteenth century into an integrated segment of English Canadian society by the ...