Age groups: children

Showing 1-5 of 5 title(s)
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Childhood Unplugged

Ditch the devices and bring back the magic of being a kid

Screens are everywhere. Children spend an average of 7.5 hours on digital devices every day with profoundly negative consequences. While some ...

The Challenge of Children's Rights for Canada, 2nd edition

More than a quarter of a century has passed since Canada promised to recognize and respect the rights of children under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Ratification of the Convention ...

Le Québec par ses enfants

By (author) André Turmel
Categories: Age groups: children
Series: PUM

De 1850 à 1950, le Québec transite d’une société rurale vers une société en voie d’industrialisation qui s’installe peu à peu dans la modernité urbaine. Dans cet important ouvrage, l’auteur ...


À l’ère du numérique, nombre d’adultes confrontés à des images mettant en scène la violence et la sexualité des adolescents s’inquiètent, convaincus que les nouvelles générations sont ...

Family Matters

This refreshingly succinct and engaging introduction to family sociology in Canada has a strong focus on contemporary theory and research on a wide variety of substantive issues relevant to the lives ...