
In today’s book market self-publishing may well be your best option. Self-Publishing 101 explains the advantages and pitfalls of various options for getting your book into print and provides a step-by-step guide for writers who choose to self-publish. Whether you are considering tradition publishing, vanity publishing, print-on-demand, E-publishing, or self-publishing, the fundamentals of preparing a manuscript for publication are the same. But getting the book into print is just the beginning: the true challenges for most self-published authors are in marketing and selling their books. Drawing on her personal success as a self-published author, Debbie Elicksen shows you how to avoid costly mistakes and maximize your profits as you produce and market a professional-looking book. Self-publishing used to be equated with defeat; in today’s book market it may well be your best option. Let this timely book show you how to succeed in a tough market.