Computing and Information Technology

Showing 1-10 of 10 title(s)
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Once a Bitcoin Miner

By (author) Ethan Lou
Categories: Currency / Foreign exchange

Part autobiography and part investigation, the book describes the wackiness, the fraudulence, and the cycle of Bitcoin boom and bust and boom. We begin with scandal and conflict in Canada’s cryptocurrency ...

You and the Internet of Things

By (author) Vicki McLeod
Categories: Internet: general works
Series: Reference Series

From “smart” homes to “smart” cars, from cashless banking to wearable sensors that gather personal health data, new technological innovations are part of the Internet of Things (IoT) and are now ...

Digital Legacy Plan

From online banking to decades worth of digital family photos, copious creative or intellectual property, or personal history documented on social media, we all have a widespread digital footprint that ...

Declutter Your Data

By (author) Angela Crocker
Categories: System administration
Series: Reference Series

Technology makes things faster, and simpler. At the same time, with all the technology that surrounds us on a daily basis, we are awash in too much information. Our computers, phones, tablets, work projects, ...

Look Who's Watching, Revised Edition

Look Who’s Watching confirms in vivid detail that the trust placed by users in the Internet is increasingly misplaced. Based on illustrative anecdotal evidence and analysis of new survey data, Look ...

Social Media Advantage

So you've got a small business. But are you capitalizing on social media for the increased revenue possibilities, increased visibility, and good PR? In just a few short years, social media has become ...

Connecting Canadians

Connecting Canadians examines the role of community informatics, or community-based ICT initiatives, in this process of transition. The Community Research Alliance for Community Innovation and Networking ...

Identify Theft Toolkit

Identity theft is the fastest-growing nonviolent crime in North America today. If you or members of your family become victims, it will take months or years to get your life back. You could lose your ...

User Error

By (author) Ellen Rose
Categories: Human–computer interaction

User Error explodes the myth of computer technology as juggernaut. Multimedia educator Ellen Rose shows that there is no bandwagon, no out-of-control dynamo, no titanic conspiracy to overwhelm us. Instead, ...