Cultural and media studies

Showing 11-20 of 65 title(s)
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By (author) Paul Berton
Categories: Popular culture

A thought-provoking and provocative challenge to consumerism (with plenty of name-dropping and celebrity antics).

Sassy and satirical, Shopomania is an economic, environmental and social study. This light-hearted, ...

Dinner on Mars

“This culinary cosmic outing is as creative as it is informative.” — STARRED review, Publishers Weekly

From Impossible Burgers to lab-made sushi, two witty, plugged-in food scientists explore leading-edge ...

Unpacking the Personal Library

Edited by Jason Camlot & J.A. Weingarten
Categories: Popular culture

Unpacking the Personal Library: The Public and Private Life of Books is an edited collection of essays that ponders the cultural meaning and significance of private book collections in relation to public ...

Savoir faire

Des gestes mille fois répétés, de précieux conseils, une sagesse ancrée dans le présent, SAVOIR FAIRE recense les connaissances de nos grands-parents qui ont le potentiel insoupçonné de nous outiller ...

Spin Doctors

As Canada was in the grips of the worst pandemic in a century, Canadian media struggled to tell the story. Newsrooms, already run on threadbare budgets, struggled to make broader connections that could ...

Growing and Eating Sustainably

The industrial food system, from production to consumption and waste, is a major contributor to environmental, social, and economic problems. Powerful multinational corporations have consolidated control ...

Technologies of the New Real

With astonishing speed and little public debate, we now live in a reality where interactions with drones, robotic bodies, and surveillance are common. Synthetic biology is merging with artificial intelligence ...

Goodbye, Guns N’ Roses

By (author) Art Tavana
Categories: Popular music

The final statement on one of the greatest bands of the twentieth century. A definitive, uncensored and exclusive biography of Guns N’ Roses entire history from a celebrated music journalist with exclusive ...

La monstruosité en face

By (author) Jean-François Chassay
Categories: Cultural studies
Series: Cavales

Les monstres ont toujours existé, et on les représente au moins depuis l’Antiquité. Pourtant, ce terme qui était populaire il y a quelques décennies à peine est rarement énoncé de nos jours, ...