Coping with anxiety and phobias

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I Want a Better Catastrophe

By (author) Andrew Boyd
Categories: Climate change

An existential manual for tragic optimists, can-do pessimists, and compassionate doomers

WITH GLOBAL WARMING projected to rocket past the 1.5°C limit, lifelong activist Andrew Boyd is thrown into a crisis ...

Les attaques de panique

Palpitations, souffle court, vertiges, douleur thoracique... les attaques de panique sont foudroyantes, imprévisibles et, avouons-le, elle peuvent faire peur. Très peur. Heureusement, il existe des ...

L'anxiété sans complexe

Anxiety is certainly one of the most common evils of our time. But how can we manage to acknowledge this complex emotion as a friend rather than an enemy? By sharing her personal experience and drawing ...