Public health and preventive medicine

Showing 1-10 of 19 title(s)
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Science Goes Viral

By (author) Dr. Joe Schwarcz
Categories: Chemistry

Dr. Joe provides a framework for coming to grips with the onslaught of COVID-19 information and misinformation. He reminds us that although our daily activities have been hijacked by the pandemic, life ...

Comment prendre de l'âge tout en ayant beaucoup d'énergie

Lise Bourbeau is often described as a timeless woman, which prompted her to write this book that reveals how she has managed to maintain her vitality, even at age 79! This book is intended for women and ...

La nutrition

Cet ouvrage de référence, clair et accessible, offre une introduction complète à la nutrition humaine. Destiné aux étudiants inscrits à des programmes touchant aux domaines de la diététique, ...


À l’heure d’une mondialisation accélérée, on observerait une recrudescence des maladies infectieuses, mélange détonant de pathogènes émergents et anciens. Parmi ces derniers, le virus de la ...

All Together Healthy

Never before have individuals faced so much conflicting information about how to be healthy: a constant rotation of fad diets, extreme workout regimens and celebrity-endorsed supplements are regularly ...

C'est normal, à votre âge?

How many times have you heard your doctor tell you that something is “normal, at your age”? Osteoarthritis, memory loss, pain, and other complaints can arise as we get older, but dismissing them as ...

La douleur repensée

The new book by the author of the bestseller Rethinking Health! When it becomes chronic, pain can literally poison our existence and undermine our morale. This book provides enlightening explanations ...

Les aliments contre le cancer

Voici la nouvelle édition d'un livre hors du commun, qui bouleversera votre perception du cancer et des façons de combattre cette maladie. Dix ans après avoir révolutionné les habitudes alimentaires ...

La santé repensée

30,000 copies sold in 3 months in Québec only!

People often seek ready-made recipes for their ailments, both in terms of diagnoses and cures. Yet this quest for the “miracle pill” is an illusion, ...

Prévenir le cancer

Maladie effroyable et énigmatique, le cancer est très souvent perçu comme une calamité qui frappe au hasard, une adversité contre laquelle nous sommes impuissants. Ce sentiment d'impuissance n'a ...